
Soft Skills –Lifeline for today’s youth

Evidently the market is offering strong indications about the large gap in its education system. It is not producing enough people with the essential soft skills the economy needs. It has been found that soft skills such as cultural sensitivity and good communication skills make a greater impact on clients from across the world rather than a high degree of technical skills. Earlier soft skills training were almost a non-existent concept but with the boom in outsourcing taking root across industries, many professionals directly deal with their clients. Their personal skills help sustain the contract their employers have backed. While many companies from various industries have their own in-house trainers, the mid-level ones tend to outsource the same to private institutes specializing in soft skills training. There are many real live incidents of Indian software engineers venturing onto an international platform, unequipped to face major cultural differences Endowed with vital soft skills, professionals can occupy the centre stage and be the key drivers that create business value. In today’s time, several companies abstain from providing training to their employees on soft skills but the reality is ‘soft skills’ has graduated from a ‘nice-to-have’ category to the ‘must-have’ for various sectors. Soft skills are an important part of management training as it has significant impact on personality development. More seriously, in terms of our productivity we lag behind our international competitors- this largely results in a skills gap that includes soft skills. To reach anywhere we need to start walking and constructively deal with the condition, environment and destiny. We have to act upon our self and build our personality because personality is a vital key to success. A positive attitude goes a long way to a positive personality. Make the right first impression as first impression is the last impression. Our dress gives us an identity. Our way of communicating makes a powerful impact on a person. Our body language can make or mar our influence on the person opposite us. Always remember a tall building rises only on a strong foundation .Therefore for building your dreams lay the foundation of your personality.

Introduction -

Soft skills are extremely significant in business and the corporate world. It is indispensable to be technically strong, but till the time you are not successful in conveying your idea to the masses in the most simple manner, you can never reach the zenith of your career. The huge gap in the entire education system has to be immediately taken care of. All the institutes are producing academic graduates in terms of hard skills but they are completely lacking in soft skill which is the need of the economy. Soft skills aim at discovering the expertise that is required for the employability of the youth. In all the Indian colleges, students are coming from different backgrounds with diverse mother tongue. There arises a need to give a universal platform, so that they are trained enough to confront the actual challenges of the modern corporate world. Soft skills in the youngsters are very significant to balance out the needs of an organization with their individual personality. It is vital to be flexible and adapt to the varying needs of an organization and for this soft skills have to be inculcated in the present day youth. This really helps them to coordinate with each other and deal with day to day problem with a much fresh approach. The majority of the companies is laying great stress on soft skills training which helps them to communicate in better English and handle differences effectively. English is an international language which can eradicate the language differences amongst them and offer them a general medium to be in touch.

Soft Skill :

An important tool for every student – Students who possess skills like efficient communication skills, positive attitude, decision making qualities, leadership qualities, handling criticism, good body language etc. have better chances of surviving in the tough corporate world that is presently facing cut throat competition. Each person has some or the other form of soft skills in them and they just need to work upon them to ingrain them in their personal life. At the graduation level ,the students hardly pay attention to these soft skills and regret later on. If these skills are incorporated in the college syllabus they will be of great help to the young generation. According to the top MBA institutes along with the technical skills there is a dire need of soft skills for continuous sustenance of the job. The demand of soft skills in the MBA students has considerably increased all across the world. The recruiters are of the view that students are good at Self Management Skills, Technology skills and what they lack is People skills which help them to connect with the outside world and are of vital importance. They really need to improve themselves with the skill of interacting with people all around the world and eliminate that communication gap. Mitch O’Brien of Emissary Pharmaceuticals in Australia says, “MBAs represent an interesting pool of potential business leaders with broad business skills, however they often come with an arrogant expectation of career progression. I would like to see more emotional intelligence taught and realistic career counseling provided.” Sean Hewitt, a career advisor, highlights the following nine areas as a general guide for youth: “Keep a winning attitude; be a team player; communicate effectively; exude confidence; hone your creative skills; accept and learn from criticism; motivate yourself & lead others; multitask and prioritize your to-do list; see the big picture.”

The Process Of Learning

Maslow’s contention is that learners begin unconsciously incompetent (we know not what we know not). At this first stage, learners are confident that they are doing something well and are unaware that they could develop skills to make them more effective. When they are presented with new material, they realize there is a body of knowledge or skills that they don’t possess. The second stage, i.e. Consciously incompetent this is a very uncomfortable place to be because we spend a lot of time operating by habit (unconscious) and like to think of ourselves as skilled (competent). When presented with the new information, many people will rationalize ineffective methods of performance (old unconscious habits), for convenience and comfort, and limit their own growth. The third stage, consciously competent is also a difficult place for a learner to be. While they are using a new set of skills effectively, they are so conscious of the new behavior that it is difficult to do anything else but focus on the new skill. In other words, the skills do not come naturally. Unconsciously competent (effective habit), Maslow’s fourth stage, is how many of us drive our cars home from work. We have mastered the skills of driving that route so well that the car seems to drive by itself. That is, until a new challenge such as moving houses requires us to learn a new route. We realize we have returned to stage one when we find ourselves en route to the old house. The process of learning the new route is a frustrating one because we must begin the learning process all over again - find the shortest route, discover the location of the grocery store, dry cleaners, etc.

AbrahamMaslow’s stages of learning You might need to be an amazing communicator for one role but not necessarily for another so it’s important to recognize what is needed by the role in question. Soft skills comprise ofCommunicating Skills – Some people are very confident with their technical skills but the