How Soft Skills is the Impact Factory For Managers
Soft skills are surely an impact factory for the managers because the success
of a project depends largely on how equipped a manager is with the soft skills.
Though a large number of employers look in for hard skills in a manager first
but an employer must comprehend the need for soft skills when the managers
have to deal on one to one basis. For this an individual should go in for a Project
Management professional(PMP) course.
40% Hard Skills + 60% Soft Skills= 100% Success
The above equation simply explains how important are the soft skills for a manager. For
being a successful manager you really need to have the following things-
• Enthusiasm –The manager really needs to be really enthusiastic about his
job and the project .
• Passion –Being passionate about the project and executing it well is the
subsequent good quality about a manager.
• Energy – Managing a project at times becomes very tiring ,so a manager
needs to have a lot of energy to stay fresh and be patient with the
subordinates to carry out the project successfully.
• Great interpersonal skills – Managers should know when to talk, listen and
when to keep mum.
• Commitment to Excellence – Managers are required to give their 100%
and should be committed to excellence.
• Sense of Humor – Managers must make the working environment very
relaxed and see the hilarity in certain circumstances.
• Self-motivation –Managers should be able to motivate themselves and
their team to get the best possible results for the organization.
• Excellent communication skills – The key to success of a manager are the
excellent communicating skills both verbal and written.
• Approachability – Managers should be easily reachable so that
subordinates are comfortable speaking to them and discussing their
How to Develop Soft Skills
Though you need a lot of aptitude, brainpower and intelligence to learn hard skills
but soft skills are generally linked with emotional intellect, and comprises of
things like decision making, self-confidence, stress management, perseverance,
excellent communication skills, interviewing skills and leadership skills. All these
skills are honed at regular intervals through creativity, proper efforts and holistic
thinking. Few steps that are required to develop the soft skills are – Knowing
Yourself– Enhancing your soft skills is to improve yourself and you simply cannot improve yourself till the time you know your strengths and weaknesses. Use your
strength to streamline the success of your organization and overcome your weaknesses by
training yourself with the required soft skills.
Come out of the Comfort Zone-.
Once you are over with the introspection,
you need to come out of your comfort zone to enhance your soft skills. It is
simply not possible to considerably improve your soft skills by hiding in the
bedroom and reading a book about improving your soft skills. If you are not
good with your communicating skills ,join a club or an institution where you
can practice that. Take criticism positively when it comes your way and try to
improve it at every possible step.
Practice and keep Practicing-
A very old saying says ,Practice makesthe man perfect’. It goes without saying that the more you practice the more
perfection there will be. In this matter soft skills are very similar to the hard skills.
Even for enhancing hard skills you spend 20+years. Experts say soft skills are
tough to master and you have to put in a lot of effort and practice to sharpen your
soft skills.
If you are very keen to develop your communication skills, headship,
management skills , selling skills, you really need to work upon that . Also,
become conscious that it somehow makes more sense to be centered on one
particular talent and be focused rather than trying to deal with 4-5 things at one
Soft Skill Survey
Clearly the market is providing strong signals about the huge gap in the teaching
system. It is not generating adequate people with the indispensable soft skills
which the economy needs. It has been noticed that soft skills such as artistic
sensitivity and excellent communication skills make a bigger impact on customers
from across the world relatively than a high amount of technical skills. Earlier
soft skills training was no where to be noticed but with the thunder in outsourcing
taking roots crosswise industries, many skilled managers have to deal with
their clients directly. Their interpersonal skills help them carry on the contract
their employers have backed. These days since the importance of soft skills is
increasing with every passing day ,the companies now have in-house trainers
to train the employees. As these companies have become aware that if the
employees venture on the international platform without being equipped with the
soft skills they are surely going to face major cultural differences.
According to the high ranking business schools along with the hard skills there
is a dire need of soft skills for incessant sustenance of the job. The demand of
soft skills has increased tremendously all around the world . The recruiters are
of the view that students who are excellent at Self Management Skills, hard
skills and what they lack is soft skills which assist them to associate with the
outside world and are of vital importance. They really need to enhance their
communicating skills so that they can interact with the outside world and get rid
of this communication gap.
Soft skills training is very essential in the contemporary times and yet overlooked
most of the time. Soft skills are considered an offshoot of normal communication
skills that consist of a group of social graces, habits, personality qualities, and
sense of buoyancy and sociability that exemplify one's overall associations. The
training is given in order to add a personal touch in your conversation and make
it very impressive. It plays a crucial role not only in effective communication but
it helps in interacting with others in a co-operative and a friendly manner. This
influential coaching can demonstrate its value for anybody in nearly any business
situation and can be of great help in building a great personality.
For instance, an industrialist trained in soft skills will have a significant role to
play and will be able to influence a team of possible investors who are ultimately
going to help the organization. Employers, too can benefit from soft skills training
and create a good team work with the employers to give efficient results. A
speaker who is well equipped with soft skills will not only convey his thoughts
and ideas clearly but also make them understand the passion, urgency,priorities,
and other things to the listeners.
Without realizing ,number of people sound robotic when they are asked to
come on the stage and speak in front of the public. They start shaking in their
boots and tremble with fear. This is one of the major reasons why training in
soft skills is imperative .This is why soft skills training is vital in any business
environment. It is that system which is rooted and sustained in both business
and society. If this training is used appropriately, a career of a businessman and
for that matter even your personal life can take a skyrocketing speed to reach
the peak of your professional life. The trained speaker has the efficiency to pull
everybody’s attention and can hold it for a long time. Excellent soft skills training
will also alleviate the anxiety and lack of confidence , which most people have
and replaces it with extreme confidence. Someone rightly said that the managers
devoid of soft skills at the work place will face a lot of hardships in life.
" You get hired for Skills and fired for lack of Soft Skills"
Key words:
communication, personality, soft skills.
Peggy Klaus -The Hard Truth about Soft Skills - Workplace
Lessons Smart People Wished They’d Learn Sooner.
Porter and McKibbin Management Education and Development: Propelling
into the 21st Century
Daniel Goleman, writer of Emotional Intelligence and Primal Leadership
Robert S. Rubin and Erich C. Dierdorff- How relevant is MBA